About the Journal

Cuadernos Chilenos de Historia de la Educación (CCHE) is an international scientific publication with a Latin-American approach founded in 2013 and affiliated to the Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado at Universidad de O'Higgins since 2022.

Our purpose is to disseminate research related to the history of education carried out not only by researchers but also by undergraduate and postgraduate students. Our specific objectives include the following:

  • To disseminate original research related to the history of education (section Articles).
  • To divulge unprecedented or unknown primary sources about history of education through their transcription or reproduction (section Sources for the History of Education).
  • To recover and highlight the importance of old reports or articles from different research concerning education (section Bibliographic Inventory).
  • To disseminate questioning and thoughtful review of books recently published and/or pre- and postgraduate thesis. (section Review).
  • To publish interviews of researchers well-known for having a renowned academic career in the field of History of Education (section Interviews).

CCHE is a biannual circulation journal with digital distribution and open, universal, and free-of-charge access. Neither publication nor subscription nor visualization rates are demanded. The articles are displayed for readers without any associated payments. The journal is funded by the Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado at Universidad de O’Higgins. It neither accepts advertisement nor any kind of commercialization.

CCHE publishes research in Spanish and Portuguese that must be exclusively entrusted to the journal. Any contribution submitted to the Articles section will be evaluated through the double-blind peer review method.

The themes addressed by CCHE revolve around history, education, school, teaching, memory and pedagogy.